FREE GUIDE: The Culture Effect - A system to build a rock-sold culture for overworked service-based business owners
Oct. 24, 2019

037: Culture Lessons - Is your Painted Picture Vision used to recruit new team members?

037: Culture Lessons - Is your Painted Picture Vision used to recruit new team members?

This short solo episode in the ‘Culture lessons’ series looks at item #9 on the ‘Culture is everything’ checklist: Is your Painted Picture Vision used to recruit new team members that help grow your culture? A painted picture vision is a short...

This short solo episode in the ‘Culture lessons’ series looks at item #9 on the ‘Culture is everything’ checklist: Is your Painted Picture Vision used to recruit new team members that help grow your culture?

A painted picture vision is a short inspiring document that describes what your business will look, feel and act like at a certain point of time (I prefer 3 years).

Using a Painted Picture Vision to attract and select team members is a powerful way to grow your team in quality and quantity.

Enjoy :)


Btw, here are the links to the Painted Picture vision examples I mentioned in episodes 35 & 37: