FREE GUIDE: The Culture Effect - A system to build a rock-sold culture for overworked service-based business owners

Case Studies

Read below how others have transformed the culture of their service-based businesses using the Culture Is Everything approach.


Perth, Australia-based legal firm, Curae Law, has transformed the culture of their 40-year old business in just 12 months by applying the Culture Is Everything system.  

The three directors of Curae Law (formerly Birman & Ride) first read the Culture Is Everything book in 2022.  In 2023, they engaged Tristan for a Culture Kickstarter Workshop to (re)discover the core and document the future of the business they wanted to reinvigorate. 

In 2024, with lots of culture improvements already happening in their business, they invited Tristan to help them design and host 'Curae Connect 2024, a whole-company event to connect the directors and the team to each other and the 'Curae of the future.'

Curae Connect 2024 was a success and Curae Law is set for a big few years of reinvigoration.



Cairns, Australia-based education business She Maps, embraced the Culture Is Everything approach to shaping the early growth of its team culture.

The owners of She Maps first read the Culture Is Everything book and then adopted the concept of creating a memorable culture library for their team.  

You can read the first edition of the She Maps Year Book, and the inspiration to create it, HERE.



Melbourne, Australia-based healthcare business, WMHP, have used the Culture Is Everything approach to reshape the foundations of their established business.

The owner of WMHP first read the Culture Is Everything book and then invited Tristan to work with her leadership team to review, refine and discover a core purpose and set of core values. 

The next project involved owner, Shan Morrison, and her team working closely with Tristan to document the future of their culture with a 10-year dream and 3-year adventure document to support their recruitment, retention and accountability.

WMHP also uses monthly coaching and twice-yearly leadership team workshops with Tristan to maintain the momentum of its culture and business.




Dalwallinu, Australia-based manufacturing firm, Coerco, have a goal to become Australia's Best Place to Work.

The leadership team of Coerco first read the Culture Is Everything book in 2022.  In 2023, they engaged Tristan for a Culture Kickstarter Workshop and keynote presentation.

Tristan travelled to regional Western Australia to work closely with the Coerco leadership team in their boardroom on day 1 before inspiring the entire 100+ person team at Coerco's all-company mid-year event on day 2.



Sydney, Australia-based multi-disciplinary health clinic Kool KATTS, used the Culture Is Everything approach to shaping the foundations of its team culture from its very first years.

With guidance from Tristan, owner Kim Hughes discovered a set of memorable 'cat' themed core values that have set the foundations of an energetic and innovative team culture from the very start.